Nov 17, 2013

The Man In My Dream

Author: Mary C. Edvirgens or better sain' May-chan
Disclaimer: Those are not my caracthers, first time I try to write a story in english. I hope you enjoy it.

Drabble - The Man in my dream

Yesterday I had a dream and in this dream I saw a man. A handsome one.
He came to me with beautiful words and said near.

- Baby, you look much pretty today.

I felt my face getting red, his breath was so close to me; and he didn't stop yet.

- W-what's your name? - I asked.

- Princess, we don't need name.

- Of course we need.

- Whatever. My name is Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha. Now tell me yours.

- Sakura Haruno. - I said ashamed

He hug me and near my ear he said:
- Now you know me, so is my time to go.

But I hold his pulse and told him to stay, he looked to me with a smile... And then, he was gone.

A/N: I know it is really bad, but give it a try, I was the first time I wrote a fic in english.

(BR) Olá pessoal aqui é a Mah Anúbis falando, essa fic foi escrita pela May-chan e esta totalmente em inglês, caso você tenha lido deixe sua opinião. Kissus no kokoro.

Aviso: Essa fic não será traduzida pra português.


  1. porqueeeeeeeee? non compreendo inglês =(
    -é o jeito eu mesma traduzir!

    1. Utilize o Google Tradutor se quiser, o inglês está bem simples. Se quiser eu mesma traduzo para você,é só me avisar. Kissus da Mah.

    2. hehehe Ja traduzir, bella estoria, sasuke uchiha é misterioso em todos os sentidos.

  2. He he.. Não tem como ñ ficar vermelha com o Sasuke jogando esse charme hahdhshdshdhsahdh! Amei ♥


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